Caffeine and Science: a Meditation for International Coffee Day

Today is International Coffee Day, which celebrates the beverage that arguably gave rise to modern western civilization. It’s a bold claim, I know. But one evening while in Miami visiting a client many years ago, I wandered into a Barnes & Noble and stumbled cross The Caffeine Advantage by Bennett Alan Weinberg, Ph.D. After beingContinue reading “Caffeine and Science: a Meditation for International Coffee Day”


I’ve always thought of myself as someone who has a good memory. Ideas, concepts, random facts… these I can often conjure up at will without  breaking a sweat. But after my ADHD diagnosis, one of the many epiphanies I’ve had in the process of rethinking my entire life has been about memory memory. It turnsContinue reading “ADHD: CRS?”

Trying Not to Fly By the Seat of my Pants

Adjusting to life—and especially work—with ADHD has been a bizarre experience. In fact, it has been a complete paradigm shift. Apparently, it’s not unusual for ADHDers to gravitate toward owning their own businesses. This is also true of INTPs, which makes me wonder if there’s any correlation between Myers-Briggs Type Indicators and ADHD, but that’sContinue reading “Trying Not to Fly By the Seat of my Pants”